Avellon Williams – TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
Quran, 24, and Cheryl, 61 we’re smitten with each other after they found love on TikTok. Quran worked with Cherly’s family for some time and instantly had a connection with Cheryl when he first laid eyes on her.
Quran said he can’t keep his hands off Cheryl, and he’s aroused when he sees her. Despite the couple growing from strength to strength, not everyone was accepting of the newfound love.

Quran was being accused of being in a relationship with Cheryl to collect her insurance. The negative comments took a toll on Cheryl’s health and her family was not approving of the relationship with 24-year-old Quran.
Regardless of their opinion Quran said, “You will never find happiness if you spew hate, we’re happy and you can’t stop us!”

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