Faith Nyasuguta
Ace-Liam Nana Sam Ankrah, a young prodigy from Ghana, has secured a spot in the prestigious Guinness World Records (GWR) as the world’s youngest male artist.
At just 1 year and 152 days old, Ace-Liam created several paintings and successfully sold nine of them at an exhibition. This incredible achievement has thrilled his local community and garnered global admiration, with many expressing amazement at his inclusion in the GWR list.
“While learning to crawl, I spread out a piece of unstretched canvas on the floor and dropped some paint on it to keep him occupied while I worked on a commission painting,” explained his mother. “He ended up spreading the paint all over the canvas, creating his first masterpiece, ‘The Crawl.'”
Ace-Liam recently participated in his first group exhibition, where ten of his artworks were displayed, and nine of them were sold during the event. According to GWR, Ace-Liam’s art focuses on expression and exploration rather than conveying specific messages.
His mother commented that “his abstract paintings are inspired by the world around him—colors, shapes, textures, and his mood. Every painting is an expression of his curiosity and joy in discovering new things.”