The Standard Bank Sikuvile Journalism Awards remind us of the important role that journalism plays in South Africa’s democracy.
The Awards are a benchmark of the best journalists, their stories and the concerns that they write for. And while locally, and across the globe, the journalism profession has been under pressure from budgets to model changes as well as threats to journalists not only in war zones but in all societies, the industry continues to raise the issues and expose the corrupt pertinent to their countries.

The South African National Editors’ Forum (SANEF), which hosted the Awards for the first time in 2021, with sponsor Standard Bank, will acknowledge and honour the bravery of journalists and their stories at a live event at The Venue, Melrose Arch this Saturday, 24 June.

Standard Bank CEO, Lungisa Fuzile, and various media stakeholders and journalists were all in attendance. Last year SANEF Chairperson, Sbu Ngalwa, said, “We are now seeing green shoots and can build.” Also at the event last year, Standard Bank CEO, Lungisa Fuzile Fuzile said that the pandemic robbed the country of some of the best journalists in this country as he paid tribute to he industry.
Veteran editor Anthony Heard was honoured with the Allan Kirkland Soga: Lifetime Achiever Award, in 2021. He said that very few other institutions in society have the capacity to effect major change like the journalism industry can.
Further information:
SANEF: Reggy Moalusi- Executive Director 071 682 3695 -reggy@sanef.org.za; Hopewell Radebe Projects Manager/ 083 582 1734 – hopewell@sanef.org.za ; Dzudzie Netshisaulu – Coordinator/Administrator 079 029 7656/ dzudzie@sanef.org.za